Personal Project

Thursday, August 18, 2016

How to secure your Linux ?

Get Started

There are four common and useful methods for you to secure and check your Linux.
  • Port Scan
  • Firewall
  • Update Security package
  • Antivirus

Port Scan

You can check your system by scanning your port number. Once you find out some ports that are open and not used, remember to close them and stop their related services accordingly.
  • Install port scan tool
    sudo install nmap
  • Execute Port Scan command to scan Port from 1 to 65535
    nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v [Target IP]


The fundamental rule to improve the security of your Linux is your system merely opens necessary and required ports for your services. I strongly recommend you to set up restrictions on port 22 to avoid being attacked by SSH Brute Force. Hopefully, DenyHost is a smart firewall that can automatically parse SSH Log and detect malicious IPs to setup block rules for you. 

Update Security package

Update your system with latest security packages automatically.

Install this package if it isn't already installed using
sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades

To enable it type
sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades

and select "yes".


Scan and check your system regularly with the following antivirus software.
  • Install Virus
    sudo apt-get install clamav
  • Update Virus code
    sudo freshclam
  • Scan system
    sudo clamscan --remove=yes -i -r ./

Monday, August 15, 2016

Apache Problem due to (24)Too many open files - Solution

After running web services on Apache for few years, my web suddenly could not be accessed because of given an error "HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden".

When checking the Apache Error log, I found an error message as shown below.

(24)Too many open files: /var/www/html/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

The solution to this problem is to increase the maximum number of open files and user processes by the following settings.

vim /etc/security/limits.conf 
root soft nofile 32768 
root hard nofile 32768 
root soft nproc 4096  
root hard nproc 4096

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How to Build an Android Project using Cocos2d-x 3.6 with Eclipse ?


Download and install the following libs and SDKs.


    Android SDK  

    Android NDK 10e

    Apache Ant 

2. Configure settings using Eclipse 

Goto Eclipse --> Preference --> C/C++ --> Build --> Environment 

Edit the following settings as shown below.






Edit NDK location 

3. Import Cocos2d-x Lib

3.1 In Package Explorer, click import button --> Android --> Existing Android Code Into Workspace 

3.2 Select Cocos2d-x-3.6 --> cocos --> platform --> android --> java

4. Import Source Codes

4.1 Click import button --> Android --> Existing Android Code Into Workspace  --> select your android source codes project 

4.2  Check your project have a link to Cocos2d-x lib

Select your project --> Properties --> Android --> Library 


5. Run Configuration 

5.1. Goto Run --> Configurations --> Android Application  --> Tab Android

Name   :  Your Name 
Project :  Click Browse button and select the path of your Source Code

5.2. Goto Run --> Configurations --> Android Application  --> Tab Target 

Run on Android devices 
Check option - Launch on all compatible devices/AVDs

Run on Simulator 
Check option - Automatically pick compatible device : Always uses preferred AVD if set below, launches on compatible device/ AVD otherwise.

5.3. Execute Run button