It is necessary to set up WordPress to deploy on a load balancing and failover backend RDS if you want to provide a service without any downtime for your customers.
How to get this done ?
1. Create a Master and Slave database on RDS.
2.Import HyperDB Plugin into WordPress folder.
HyperDB can be download at below.
3. Setup the Master and Salve URL at HyperDB`s config file.
4. Performance Test
The following info shows the test result on AWS.
EC2 Current session RDS
t2.micro 110 / s single master
t2.medium 210 /s one master and one slave To conclude, using WordPress framework to develop the website can achieve a high performance at 210 current requests per second on EC2 with t2.medium spec; with t2.micro of EC2, the best throughput can also achieve 110 current requests per second. Thus, I think WordPress is good enough to build a high-performance website by PHP on AWS.